Installation ============ We provide Planetary I/O (plio) as a binary package via conda and for installation via the standard script. Via Conda --------- 1. Download and install the Python 3.x Miniconda installer. Respond ``Yes`` when prompeted to add conda to your BASH profile. 2. Bring up a command line and add the ``conda-forge`` channel to your channel list: ``conda config --add channels conda-forge``. This adds an entry to your ``~/.condarc`` file. 3. Install plio: ``conda install -c jlaura plio`` 4. To update plio: ``conda update -c jlaura plio`` Via ------------ This method assumes that you have the necessary dependencies already installed. The installation of dependencies can be non-trivial because of GDAL. We supply an ``environment.yml`` file that works with Anaconda Python's ``conda env`` environment management tool.